My Human Design
I remember when I first joined the PTA at my son’s elementary school, and I had volunteered to run the Art Program. I was cleaning and organizing the art room, planning out the art projects and ordering the supplies. I was gettin’ it done, so to speak. Then one day a mom came up to me, another member of the PTA I might add, and asked me why I was “working so hard” and I was taken aback at her statement. In my head I was like, “what do you mean? If I’m gonna do it, I’m going to do it right!” That question kept coming up from time to time from other moms and members of the PTA at that time and I started to think, “Am I too much?” “Was I working too hard?” I felt a little weird and insecure if I’m being honest.
Fast forward to about 2 years ago when I learned about Human Design.
I’m a 4/6 Emotional Manifesting Generator, which in simple terms, getting ‘ish’ done energizes me IF it’s something I’m passionate about. If it’s not something I’m passionate about and yet I still need to get it done, it can be a struggle but I can do it anyway.
I quickly learned about the differing energy types and how being in charge of something, like in my above example of the art program can energize me, while for a different energy type it can drain them. Once I learned this, the pressure I was feeling just released. I realized that the mom who made the comment to me is an energy type that what I was doing would drain her. Neither one of us was wrong, we just have different energy types and should just stay in our lanes and do what resonates with us most.
Now recently I began my part time job as an Event Coordinator and this is the first job I’ve started with the knowledge of my Human Design as a tool.
There are two examples of my personal gifts I want to share. (These statements are applicable to anyone else who also possesses these particular gifts.
Gift 12: A Noticeable Voice
The way I speak naturally makes people pay attention. This gift is not always about having something to say, it’s just that the way I phrase things is a bit more dynamic and unusual. It doesn’t matter if someone is deep, gloomy or super enthusiastic, it’s a little bit more idiosyncratic. I have this amplifying and dramatic voice that helps me get the messages across because I naturally do it in a way that is going to land on people.
I used this gift recently. Our department at work is severely understaffed and I shared my thoughts on it as a newcomer coming in with a set of fresh eyes. I was able to clearly see the strengths of the department, the shortcomings, and where we need support and restate the needs in a way that was noticed. While the outcome is out of my control, knowing I possess this gift gave me the ability to call upon it to be a voice in support of making our department better. Doing this also made me feel heard and respected for sharing my voice.
Gift 18: Improvement
I have the knack to see how things can be improved and made better. It’s part of my sixth sense to be able to see what the greatest potential of things look like. The key with this gift is not to turn it on everything and everyone, because even though it can be applied to everything, it’s not meant to be. Instead I focus and funnel it into my work and the things that I’m good at. Those are the places it will elevate my life and those around me.
I have used this gift over and over again in the course of my lifetime. When I think back on how I used this gift in every single job I’ve had, I’ve done something major to improve workflow, the work space, or procedures.
Our individual gifts are like our natural super powers. Some you might use regularly and some you might be shy of exhibiting for fear of what others might think. Learning and embracing your unique Human Design will help you feel at peace with yourself and your natural talents.
To learn your Human Design contact me and I’d be happy to pull your chart and go over it with you for free. It’s been such a valuable tool for me, I want that same peace and clarity for you.